11 Lethbridge​

Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

Lethbridge, AB
Formed 24th September,1941
Welcome to the home of 11 Lethbridge Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
This site is being re-constructed. Please watch for a new improved site.

Interested in joining Air Cadets? Come to the Vimy Ridge Armoury (located just north of the Lethbridge airport on Stubb Ross Road) on Tuesday 10 Sep 2024 at 7PM for an information night.
For more information about joining cadets, click this link - https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/cadets-junior-canadian-rangers/cadets/join-us.html
Welcome to the home of the 11 Lethbridge Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron (11 RCACS), we are pleased you came to visit. With our new website we hope that we can effectively engage the public, cadets (new and returning), parents, staff, and supporting organizations and groups. Stay connected and informed by accessing the various web pages and communication tools, and while you are here enjoy a deeper look into what 11 Lethbridge RCACS has been doing and plans for the future.
Enjoy your visit and we hope you return frequently.
Squadron Calendar
Cadets has given me an opportunity to use my knowledge and skills in a way no other program can offer me.
My child has struggled to find an activity or program where he fits in, but cadets has been that place for him. He is happier than I have ever seen him because he is doing what he loves.
Cadets has been a good great way to be involved with our kids. We share wonderful memories and experiences.
I've always dreamed of flying and now that dream has come true because of air cadets.
— Cadet
— Parent
— Cadet
— Parent