11 Lethbridge​

Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

Lethbridge, AB
Formed 24th September,1941
Welcome to the home of 11 Lethbridge Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
Biathlon & Marksmanship
Marksmanship and knowledge of safety on the range is crucial in cadets. Cadets learn about the safety and maintenance of the air rifle and develop physical and mental skills necessary to compete in zone, provincial and national competitions.
Biathlon Biathlon is the combination of cross country skiing (or running weather permitting) and marksmanship. At the LHQ and regional competition level cadets shoot a .177 Daisy Air Rifle, at the provincial and national level cadets shoot .22 biathlon rifles. Biathlon combines endurance and precision into one sport. Cadets from Sea, Army and Air have the opportunity to participate. Cadets from 11 Lethbridge RCACS can train throughout the year and are not required to compete if they do not wish to. Cadets that participate in competitions receive a pin that is placed on the breast-pocket of the tunic depicting the level of competition (bronze, silver, gold).
Marksmanship Marksmanship (range) provides cadets with the opportunity to learn basic marksmanship and range safety. During regular training cadets are required to take classes on rifle and range safety, this knowledge is expanded upon during marksmanship training.