11 Lethbridge​

Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron

Lethbridge, AB
Formed 24th September,1941
Welcome to the home of 11 Lethbridge Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
Level One Proficiency Minimum Requirements

*Completion of the level four program requires; the pass of all the PO's, starting the level before 31 Jan of the training year, and a minimum 60% attendance in the Thursday night and highlighted activities. If a cadet does not complete a PO(s), a Training Review Board will be conducted. The Commanding Officer will then decide if the cadet should repeat the level, or if a waiver will be assigned allowing the cadet to continue with the next level. If a waiver is issued, when the cadet completes the waivered PO, they will at that time complete the previous level.
*Promotion to the rank of Flight Sergeant requires: the successful completion of level four with an enhanced proficiency, six months as a Sergeant, and good behavior through the training year. Cadets will redo their assessments until they achieve enhanced proficiency.